Getting Started with Wicrypt: A Beginner's Guide

How to Bridge $WNT from Polygon to Arbitrum One Chain

Note: This process is optional and is only required for users who want to trade their $WNT on DEXs like UniSwap or want to stake...

A Newbie’s Guide to Getting Setup with Wicrypt

Unboxing and setting up your Wicrypt Hotspot Hub is now easier than ever. With this guide, you should be well on your way to earning...

How To Set Up Your Wicrypt Device

How To Purchase WNT & MATIC And Send To A Metamask Wallet

NB: You will need some $MATIC (about 1 $MATIC) when purchasing and mint a hub. The $MATIC is used to pay gas fee on the Polygon blockchain network....

Setting Up A Metamask Wallet And Configuring It To A Polygon Network

MetaMask is an Ethereum Browser and Ether wallet. It interacts with Ethereum Dapps and Smart Contracts without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask add-on can...

Mining Is Live — How to Purchase The Wicrypt Hotspot Hub & Mint As An NFT

With mining now live on our network, there is no better time to own a hotspot hub. Wicrypt hub owners can mine WNT by creating...

Understanding the Wicrypt Reward Model

You’re probably itching to understand how your rewards are distributed and how the mining model works. You may have asked various questions in time past,...

How To Stake WNT & Earn Up To 250% APR

In most crypto projects, staking is a way of storing funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to maintain the blockchain network’s security and functioning. Staking, simply...

Getting Started with the Wicrypt Explorer

The Wicrypt Explorer is finally off the te stnet and is now on the mainnet. This means you can now explore hotspot activity, not just for...

How to Withdraw USDT from Binance Exchange to Metamask Wallet

First, to withdraw USDT from your Binance Exchange account to your Metamask, you have to set up your Metamask wallet. Learn more about how to set...